photo of boat on water


Spectrum Color is the World’s Leader in Specialty Gel Coat Products.  With over 50 years in the boat repair industry, we have experience in all aspects of fiberglass repairs. Currently we are offering two classes. An entry level course to Gel Coating and our recommended procedures and a high level, advanced class available to folks who have finished the beginner course.

We look forward to you and your colleagues coming to learn with us!


Spectrum Color is the World’s Leader in Specialty Gel Coat Products.  With over 50 years in the boat repair industry, we have experience in all aspects of fiberglass repairs. 

Our service school will teach beginners how to repair chips, gouges, air voids, cracks, etc.  It will also cover spraying and finishing the repair out to a factory finish. We also work with Gibco Flex Mold to teach them how to do nonskid repairs.  Additionally, students will receive an introduction on metal flake repair.  Lastly, we give them an introduction into color matching gel coat.

The class day will help any technician be able to adjust the gel coat colors from changes due to oxidation, porosity, yellowing, staining, and many other factors.


Course Dates: 2025 | January 6-9th | 4 Days

Only 8 left!

Coming Soon 2025 Winter Class Dates:

Spectrum Color is the World’s Leader in Specialty Gel Coat Products.  With over 50 years in the boat repair industry, we have experience in all aspects of fiberglass repairs.

Our advanced class continues from the beginner class to include more metalflake repairs including two color solid/flake repair & two-color flake/flake repair.  Additionally, students will work on radius repairs and will be introduced to many other advanced techniques.

All advanced students must take the beginner class first. No exceptions.

Course Dates: November 4-7th | 4 Days

Only 1 left!