Product Description

Duratec 904-001 High Gloss Additive enhances gelcoat applications by eliminating wax and PVA, providing a smooth, paint-like spray with excellent durability.

What to Use it for

Ideal for achieving a high-gloss, durable finish on gelcoat surfaces, reducing porosity, and preventing yellowing and UV gloss loss.

How to Use

  1. Mix: Combine 1 part Duratec 904-001 with 1 part gelcoat. Catalyze the mixture with 2% MEKP catalyst.
  2. Spray: Apply at least 2 passes over the repair area, building up an additional 8 mils or more. Ensure the first passes remain sticky while covering all areas.
  3. Feather: Blend the edge of the repair with the second pass.
  4. Cure: Allow the surface to cure for 4-6 hours at 77°F (25°C) before sanding. For best results, let it cure completely for at least 8 hours.
  5. Sand: Start with 320 grit and progressively sand with 400, 600, 800, and 1000 grits. Keep the surface open for at least 8 hours between initial sanding and polishing to allow for styrene release and full cure.
  6. Polish: Finish with a compound and polish, such as 3M Compound plus Polish (Part No. 30343), for a smooth, glossy finish.